Get Ready for Secure IT Day 2020 Paris!


Monaco Digital – Avangarde (Monaco Digital) will organize his Summit in Paris – March 5, 2020 SECURE IT DAY 2020 | Paris! This third Summit is a great partner enablement initiative for our customers. Monaco Digital – Avangarde continues to display deep signs of growth as customers begin to understand the importance of Security and Availability as the cornerstone of their Digital Transformation strategy. The services provider has a powerful portfolio of solutions which ensures a high level of customer retention and satisfaction for our business. The IT leader in Monaco will host its annual “Customers Connect” in March in Paris with a lot of partners including Veeam, Microsoft, VMware, Dell EMC, DataCore, Quantum, Western Digital, Varonis, Stormshield, Fortinet, F-Secure, Vade Secure, Trend, Cyberzen, Abalon, Olfeo, and Manzalab Cyber. Registration is for free! 🙂

Basically, I have the opportunity to participate in 3 live sessions in French as official Speaker (Veeam Vanguard) between Veeam, Quantum and Monaco Digital – Avangarde but also with Varonis about Security, Data Protection & Governance as Varonis Elite member. Basically, I will introduce new version Veeam Availability Suite v10 including NAS Backup, Ransomware protection etc.

SECURE IT DAY 2020 is an event organized by Monaco Digital – Avangarde and his sparkling partners in Monaco & France. A day of demonstrations and workshops to talk about Security, Availability, Data, Cloud and Compliance. The event will take place at: “Business Cloud Center ”- March 5, 2020. You can find more information about the event here (register).

Microsoft aOS community will be present in the partner’s village and will also lead two workshops on Digital Transformation with Microsoft and Office 365 protection. Line up: Jeff Angama and Patrick Guimonet. Please do not hesitate to come and see us. 😉

L’Entreprise de services du numérique Monaco Digital – Avangarde organisera le SECURE IT DAY 2020 qui se déroulera au Business CLoud Center à Paris le Jeudi 5 Mars prochain de 9h30 à 22h00. Le programme est axé sur la Sécurité et l’IT, les ateliers techniques seront animés par des Experts et par des éditeurs renommés. C’est l’événement de l’année à ne pas manquer pour comprendre les enjeux de 2020 : Cybersecurité, Data, Compliance, Cloud, Haute disponibilité, Data Recovery, Infrastructure Secure by Design et Privacy by Design etc. De la continuité de service à la mise en conformité, participez aux ateliers techniques des leaders de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information pour découvrir les dernières technologies et échanger avec les Experts. N’hésitez pas à surveiller le flux #SecureITDay sur Twitter. 😉

Lors du #SecureITDay, j’animerai 3 sessions en qualité de Speaker officiel pour Veeam Software (Veeam Vanguard), Quantum et Monaco Digital – Avangarde. Je présenterai les nouveautés introduites dans la dernière version Veeam Availability Suite v10 (NAS Backup, protection contre les ransomwares etc.). J’animerai également l’atelier Varonis (traçabilité, gourvernance des données, compliance et scénario d’une cyberattaque Microsoft Office 365 “man in the middle”) en tant que membre de la communauté Varonis Elite.

Thanks. #SecureITDay#MonacoITfun#MonacoDigital#VeeamVanguard#VaronisElite

Vanguard Summit 2019 – Vanguard Summit 2019 – Continuous Data Protection!

Vanguard Summit 2019 – Vanguard Summit 2019 – NAS Backup Sneak peek!!

Vanguard Summit 2019 – New Universal License overview!

Veeam Multi-Cloud Strategy & Components – Blog Post!

Step by Step Guide Veeam Backup for Office365 v2 Installation – Step by Step Guide!

VeeamON 2019 Coverage – v10 is coming!

VeeamON Forum France – Interviewed by LeMagIT: LeMagIT

MUG – Microsoft User Group – First event in Monaco! Join us!.


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