Category: GDPR

Security and Data Governance with Varonis

As you know Data is the engine of Digital Transformation. It is the lifeblood of applications, the currency of business, the beating heart of digital life. Data is the driver of new technologies, solutions, and businesses. The source of important and actionable business insights. The ability to find new markets, discover opportunities for improvement, and …

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SECURE IT DAY 2019 | 28 March | PARIS

Hello, Monaco Digital – Avangarde (Monaco Digital) will organize his Summit in Paris – March 28, 2019 – SECURE IT DAY 2019 | Paris! This second Summit is a great partner enablement initiative for our customers. Monaco Digital – Avangarde continues to display deep signs of growth as customers begin to understand the importance of …

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Why you should protect your Data in the right way?

Hello, I have written an article about Data Protection in French for “SMART DSI” magazine (Edition 2018, September). This is a French IT magazine intended for IT Manager and Business Manager. The topic is “Data Protection – Think Differently”. Basically, the article is written in French. As you know Data is the engine of Digital …

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Think differently about Data Protection!

Hi, you know Data is the engine of Digital Transformation. It is the lifeblood of applications, the currency of business, the beating heart of digital life. Data is the driver of new technologies, solutions, and businesses. The source of important and actionable business insights. The ability to find new markets, discover opportunities for improvement, and …

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VeeamONForum France Recap!

Yesterday, VeeamON Forum France 2018 took place in Paris (Palais Brongniart). If you participated, you may have noticed that Veeam decided to do things a little differently this year, showcasing how much they focus on Cloud technology. In between discussions about Cloud backups and disaster recovery with Veeam, Veeam’s Speakers were talking about large-scale multi-cloud …

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