Tag: Veeam

My article in SMART DSI magazine (french)!

Hello, I have written an article about Modern Backup in french for “SMART DSI” magazine (number 3 – edition 2016, September). This is a french IT magazine intended for IT Manager and Business Manager. The topic is “Strategy: What is Modern Backup mean?”. Basically, the article is written in French but it’s a good way …

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Veeam – Error: Backup Console version ‘’ is…

Recently, I had a global backup error for one of my customer with Veeam Backup & Replication 9. We are seeing the following error which is causing backups to fail: “Error: Backup Console version ‘’ is not compatible with Installer service on host…“. Came across this error recently which is thankfully an easy fix but …

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Step by Step Guide Veeam B&R 9 Update 2 Installation!

Veeam released Veeam B&R 9 Update 2, which contains some significant improvements such as NetApp Data ONTAP 8.3.2 support and VMware VSAN 6.2 support. You can find more information about the release here. This article provides a step by step guide for an update from Veeam Backup & Replication 9 (version or to …

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Step by Step Guide Veeam One 9 Upgrade (v8 to v9)

This article describes the procedure of migrating Veeam One Server version 8 to version 9 and installing Veeam One 9 Update 1 (KB) What’s new in Veeam One 9?

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Introducing a New Sponsor, Veeam!

This week Veeam Software signed on as my first sponsor. I’m so excited to have them as a sponsor because I’m a Veeam evangelist! Founded in 2006, Veeam currently has 37,000 ProPartners and more than 183,000 customers worldwide. Veeam’s global headquarters are located in Baar, Switzerland, and the company has offices throughout the world. To …

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