Philippe DUPUIS

I ‘m a french Data Management and Security Engineer. I specialize in data protection and governance, disaster recovery, security, cloud & virtualization technologies. Certified Netwrix Auditor & Classification, F-Secure Radar, Rapid7, Exagrid ...

Most commented posts

  1. Veeam Hardened Linux Repository – Part I — 1 comments
  2. Defending Against Crypto-Ransomware with Netwrix — 1 comments

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Critical Vulnerabilities Discovered in Veeam Products

Veeam annouced patches for critical vulnerabilities impacting their products this weekend. The flaws has been uncovevered by Positive Technologies, a cybersecurity company based in South Korea. Let’s take a closer look to this vulnerabilities found.

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Veeam Agent Error “Failed to process : BIOS UUID has been modified, pleace rescan the host “

Today I want to share with you the resolution of a Veeam Error I had to deal with and why it’s important to apply updates and check the compatibility matrix.

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Defending Against Crypto-Ransomware with Netwrix

Hi, today we will discuss about data governance and more especially a software called: Netwrix Auditor. Netwrix Auditor is a visibility and governance platform that enables control over changes, configurations, and access in hybrid cloud IT environments to protect unstructured data regardless of its location. The platform provides security analytics to detect anomalies in user …

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Veeam Hardened Linux Repository – Part I

Hello, before tackling the subject of your presence, allow me to briefly introduce myself: I am Philippe DUPUIS, I‘m a french Data Management and Security engineer working with Christopher (Be indulgent if you notice some English grammar failures, my mother tongue is French 😊). I specialize in Data Protection and Governance, Disaster Recovery, Security, Cloud …

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