Hi, with the microcode included in the BIOS updates released to address Spectre (Variant 2), CVE-2017-5715. Dell is advising that all customers should not deploy the BIOS update for the Spectre (Variant 2) vulnerability at this time. They have removed the impacted BIOS updates from our support pages and are working with Intel on a …
Category: Dell
Jan 25
Spectre and Meltdown – Patches are being recalled by VMware & Dell EMC – Veeam’s feedback
Hello, For those of you who have already patched your ESXi hosts with the initial set of patches, please note that those patches are being recalled by VMware, and action is required. VMware has also updated their security advisory “VMware Security Adisories“ late in the week. There are many questions regarding performance impact of the …
Jan 12
SECURE IT DAY 2018 | 8 Février | PARIS (Fr)
Hello, L’intégrateur AVANGARDE organisera le “SECURE IT DAY 2018” qui se déroulera au Forest Hill de la Villette à Paris le Jeudi 8 Février prochain de 14h00 à 23h00. Le programme est axé sur la Sécurité et l’IT, les ateliers techniques seront animés par des Experts et par des éditeurs renommés. C’est l’événement de l’année …
Dec 14
Problem 12GB SAS Adapter driver on ESXi 6.0
This week, I moved the infrastructure of one of my customers in Paris. Basically, we stopped all the equipment to move them in a new building. When I tried to restart the environment composed of Dell R530 servers and Dell Compellent SCv 2020 SAN storage, the VMware ESXi hypervisors didn’t mount the datastores. No error …
Mar 01
Error with SAS HBAs and ALUA on SCv 20XX
You tried to create a server on a “Compellent SCv 2000” storage (or an other SAN model) with Dell Enterprise Manager Client version But you encounter this problem: “Error. The selected operating system cannot be used with SAS HBAs. You must select and operating system that supports ALUA.” This message appears when you try …
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