Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde (Monaco Informatique Service) will organize a workshop in Paris – Otcober 4, 2018 – [MATINALE IT] Veeam, DataCore, HGST! This IT morning is a great partner enablement initiative for our customers. Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde continues to display deep signs of growth as customers begin to understand the importance of Security and Availability as the cornerstone of their Digital Transformation strategy. The company has a powerful portfolio of solutions which ensures a high level of customer retention and satisfaction for our business. The IT leader in Monaco will host its an event in Paris with 3 partners including Veeam, DataCore and HGST. Registration is for free! 🙂
Basically, I have the opportunity to participate in one session in French as official Speaker (Veeam Vanguard) between Veeam and Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde but also with DataCore and HGST about Data Virtualization & Storage topics. Basically, I will present new vision & strategy 2018 of Veeam Software and introduced with the upcoming Veeam Availability Suite v9.5 Update 4 and other Veeam Availability solutions that will transform digital lives such as: Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2!
IT MORNING 2018 is an event organized by Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde and his sparkling partners in France. A half day of demonstrations and workshops to talk about Security, Availability, Storage and Cloud. The event will take place on a special place (a boat!): “Bateau des Vedettes de Paris (Paris LĂ©na) – Eiffel Tower ”- October 4, 2018. You can find more information about the event here (register).
L’intĂ©grateur Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde organisera sa “Matinale IT 2018 | Paris !” qui se dĂ©roulera sur un bateau des Vedettes de Paris, situĂ© au pied de la Tour Eiffel ! Le Jeudi 4 Octobre prochain de 9h00 Ă 14h00. Le programme est axĂ© sur le Stockage et la Sauvegarde, les ateliers techniques seront animĂ©s par diffĂ©rents Experts. Thèmes : Comment moderniser leur infrastructure ? Comment tirer meilleur parti du stockage en place sans pour autant remettre en cause l’existant, ni investir des sommes considĂ©rables ? Comment utiliser les nouvelles technologies pour accĂ©lĂ©rer les applications et sĂ©curiser les donnĂ©es ? Comment administrer simplement la sauvegarde, la restauration et la rĂ©plication de ses donnĂ©es ?
Lors de cette matinale, j’animerai une session en qualitĂ© de Speaker officiel pour Veeam Software (Veeam Vanguard) et Monaco Informatique Service – Avangarde. Je prĂ©senterai les nouveautĂ©s introduites dans la dernière version Veeam Availability Suite v9.5 Update 4 ainsi que les autres solutions de disponibilitĂ© notamment : Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2! Venez dĂ©couvrir pourquoi l’interaction des ces technologies est synonyme de combinaison gagnante : Veeam + DataCore + HGST = Better together !
Au programme de la matinée :
- 9h00 – Accueil client – petit dĂ©jeuner,
- 9h30 – Introduction par Avangarde suivi des prĂ©sentations avec dĂ©mos & questions/rĂ©ponses de nos partenaires,
- 12h30 – Cocktail dĂ©jeuner avec dĂ©part pour la croisière,
- 14h00 – Retour Ă quai et fin.
Thanks. #MonacoITfun – #VeeamVanguard
Think differently about Data Protection! Blog post
Step by Step Guide Veeam Backup for Office365 v2 Installation Guide!
VeeamON Chicago – Vision & Strategy 2018 – Recap!
Interview – Q&A about Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 U3: Veeam Blog
Veeam Agent for Windows step by step installation guide.
If you need to upgrade your Veeam Backup Server (v9 or v9.5) you can follow this article.
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